Thursday, July 1, 2021

Last Pirate: Island Survival

Last Pirate: Island Survival

App NameLast Pirate: Island Survival
PublisherRetroStyle Games UA
GenreAdventure, Survival
Latest Version0.927
UpdateJune 30, 2021

Last Pirate: Island Survival :

Surely you read the newspapers, watched TV, watched movies... stories about life-saving and went back to the miracles of sailors and ship passengers. Unfortunately, there was an accident at sea, or a plane crash in the middle of the sea, on the deserted islands of the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean. You have to float in the sea, for days without enough food or water, on pristine, uninhabited islands. Let's explore the game Why do you clear the village of survival games like this ?

Interesting content :

This is a role-playing, adventure and action game. Players will play the character, a passenger on a ship traveling from Europe to the Americas, but unfortunately in the middle of the journey, they encounter a great storm, sinking waves, and drift to an island. Desolate, you're the only one who survived. But on this island, there is no food and water available to support the players, and we hope that one day another ship will pass by, to discover you and save you for your normal life .

The player's task is to start by finding drinking water from the trees growing on the island, identifying which plants have water to drink without being poisoned, leftover food in the ship, and searching for items and objects. Tools for hunting, fishing and finding tools to make a fire. In addition, players also face threats around them, from the wild animals of the island: black bears, chimpanzees, orangutans, or large fish when using buoys and rafts to fish in the sea; disease from decomposing corpses in vessels; Fight the aborigines of the island to survive as long as possible and win. It's really hard, but it's hardship that will tell you how happy you are, leading you to win .

Great offline game :

The graphics of the game are first-class, from the context of a pure island, shipwreck, raft to the items used for hunting, fishing, animal images, ... The background music of the dramatic game character, climax, coordinated according to each situation, different missions, sounds like waves the sea, gusts of wind, blazing flames, or the sound of chimpanzees, black bears; Simulated as real, creating charisma, suspense and a little mix of horror for the player, virtual but real and real but virtual .

Unlike other games, the mission of the game is exceptionally diverse; For players to complete and find rewards as items or instructions for players to use and win, the mission is built from simple to challenging. The challenge is increasing day by day to train players' skills and intelligence .

Free to download :

Players also do not need to worry that the game is offline, the game mission, or playing a lot will be boring, because the manufacturer will constantly fix bugs and update new versions, upgrade the game, and we will also learn about people's contributions, comments and reviews to improve the game. The size of the game is relatively light and it takes up less memory space on your PC or phone. When playing, there is a smooth experience, without lag, flickering, stuttering or image breakage .

Inspired by true stories told by those who have experienced it themselves and a range of scenes in the popular novel about Robinson's adventurous journey to demolish new, unexplored lands; We, the game makers and publishers, have developed a game that is a journey of survival in an oasis filled with many attractions and attractions .

Some basic features of the game :

Demonstrate ability to fish, hunt, climb coconut trees, and self-defense skills against captive animals, and natives. Find items from the shipwreck or on the island, design and recycle them into essential items to meet your needs. Players can also search for gadgets and tools that are rewarded when completing missions. The faster you complete the missions, the faster you will win. Identify the dangers lurking around you and address them. When the game also has a scoring form and arrange yourself in the playing periods, bypassing the score in different attempts. You will exceed your record. The score is calculated according to the number of days you are in control of the island, and the challenges you have been through. enough to attract you? Download your device today to get attractive gifts .