Monday, May 3, 2021

Grim Soul Dark Survival RPG

Grim Soul Dark Survival RPG

App NameGrim Soul: Dark Fantasy Survival
Latest Version3.1.2 b301020351
UpdateApril 30, 2021 


Grim Soul: Dark Fantasy Survival :

The medieval period can be said to be the most volatile period in Europe. Frequent regional wars broke out all over the small continent. With eminent kings and generals, battles wrote people's hearts or weapons that no one could forget. And with this inspiration, there have been countless works, including supposedly realistic and historical. Stories have been added with a number of factors to make the content more engaging. And to bring the experience into the game, it's not really easy. Because how to emulate every detail of past centuries has never been so easy. But to please fans, nothing is impossible, and kefir! He released a wonderful game called, which is appreciated in many respects. With a great story and gameplay throughout, this game can be hard to ignore for those who love adventure game with slightly horror oriented adventure scenes. In order to clarify the above points, some of them will be made .

Smooth plot, beautiful graphics and invested details :

Firstly, it can be emphasized that the graphics will make most players satisfied when most of the details are beautiful and subtle. The facial expressions of each character are complex. The face shape (color, hair style, and beard) will also be chosen by the player. In addition, you also need to create your own weapons during the game. Characters' movements, even when communicating or acting, will impress the player. When everything looks like a movie, it's a lot like every run or fight that will get the player excited. Not all 3D graphics games are rated in this tough market. But for that, it is a prerequisite for making the game popular, especially for those who love simulation game series .

Explore the empire afflicted by gray decay :

The things we see are also appreciated when they are very diverse and meet most of the player's aspirations or interests. Weapons, items or every house is very well decorated. Those who follow medieval movies will surely recognize these things. Since the game also carries a bit of horror color, the dominant color tone of the game is quite dark. Especially at night, although it may make some people hard to see, it brings depth. It makes the player feel like they are taking an action rather than controlling a particular character. Indeed, it would be very easy to fall into this world. The feeling of excitement in the night sky, or the joy of completing a task, will be transmitted in a complete and clear way .

The gameplay is also one of the things that will interest players to enjoy when there are many new features - which will give players more tasks to do. There will be clear instructions in each mission so that the player does not feel confused or out of place during the process of completing the mission. To complete it, you will have to build castles from the materials or money you have collected. Create for yourself a small kingdom, and build fortified castles to keep the achievements. Choose weapons to fight - very diverse when there are weapons from close range and long range, which is very convenient when having to perform different types of missions or face different enemies. Find your own war horse as your companion in conquest and exploration of new lands. And don't forget that you must join a certain group or organization because that will increase your chances of survival if you encounter a lot of powerful enemies. Of course, you can't do it all by yourself, but you need the help of your allies .

Difficulties on several levels make players struggle :

First, the stability of data storage when some players think that what they have achieved in the game is over and also the stability of logging in when many people think that accessing the game is not really easy. In addition, having to take on very hot opponents when your level isn't enough to use some items - especially items that help restore blood or weapons is what makes it so hard to defeat the player. Character upgrades unlock at a reasonably high level while remote items are nearly impossible to find. Despite the reputation of having allies, the truth is that you will perform most tasks alone, and you will receive very little support from allies. Accompanied by sound is not appreciated, although the context of the game is often rainy, but not accompanied by effects such as gusts of wind, the sound of rain or thunder. Therefore, the game experience is rather low. Also, the lack of a lot of differences between some of the maps makes players uncomfortable. In addition, the ability to cause damage to zombies as well as the rarity of some items - especially food, is also what makes many players suspicious .

Still appreciated and worth a try :

All in all, experiencing l's fighting stage is really great and worth a try. Because things that are really worth it are very much appreciated. Unique graphics, realistic gameplay, and various items along with items such as armor or weapons will also be upgraded over time, so they are very supportive. The unique plot is set in a somewhat dark and rainy setting, which is definitely the name you should try. Although there are still a lot of shortcomings and limitations as mentioned above, really if compared to the things that have been done. In fact, such vulnerabilities are quite possible. Ignore it if you are immersed in a dark world full of challenges. Saying that this is not to cover the shortcomings but the game is really great. And over time there will be updates, so don't worry too much about the shortcomings as the publisher will definitely read the comments and find ways to improve the service. It was released on both operating systems, so the experience is very easy. And if you are a fan of medieval beauty, along with the challenges of role-playing that you will face, then what are you waiting for without downloading the game directly to your device ?