Thursday, April 15, 2021

Minecraft – Pocket Edition

Minecraft – Pocket Edition

App NameMinecraft – Pocket Edition
GenreAdventure, Strategy, Survival
Latest VersionBeta:
UpdateApril 9, 2021 

Minecraft  :

No need to enter much, it is the most popular game in the survival genre. This is a survival-oriented game, with accompanying exploration, adventure, and combat elements. In general, we will continue to live human life in a fictional world. You have absolutely no strength, except for the intelligence and courage of an ordinary person. Are these challenges worth your investigation ?

Open world games, giving you a completely "nothing special" experience :

Indeed, for many other games, its heroes always have a special mission. They fight for a noble cause or fall into certain miserable feelings. However, it is not. You simply find yourself living alone in a vast world. The only task is that you must survive. Because of this simplicity, this game has become the most unique among the current popular games .

The world in the game is very friendly and simple. You are not afraid to encounter anything dangerous when exploring everything around you. You can go anywhere, do anything, and live as long as you feel good about yourself. However, when night falls, something will appear that puts you in danger. When night falls, it is better to stay at home than to go anywhere .

Convenient and easy to learn, there are many new things to discover every day :

To control the characters in the game, you only need to move by touch. This also does not affect the gameplay much. What you really need to care about is what your character has to do next. First, players need to find a fixed amount of food. You can go to the forest and find yourself wild fruits like berries and mushrooms. They will give you some strength to continue to exist in this world. Later, when you have all the necessary equipment, it is possible to look to recharge your body with more protein .

When you have enough food for a few days, immediately make use of the materials used to build the house. This is one of the most important things you need. Your home is the safest place. There is nothing that can harm you in your home. Therefore, this is an ideal place to store everything. First of all, you need to make yourself a nice blacksmith. The items you use later are made on this blacksmith .

The  whole  world  is  made  of  blocks  :

If you don't know, it's a big world but made up of blocks. They are part of everything you can interact with and use. The tree, the earth, the clothes, ... and the whole world arranged in blocks. You can also imagine them as cells of our real world .

Once mined, it can be found and stored in your inventory. During the extraction process, you should pay attention to how much the backpack can hold. If you can't store anything else, take it home and put it there. Before you can store things, you have to make yourself a chest. The mystery will be revealed slowly and you must have enough patience to discover and understand everything. Just as if you live in the real world, no one is guiding you in any mission .

Artisan recipes are presented in a way that describes the world :

For example, if you want to make a stick, you have to find some wooden sticks. Arrange them in a straight line and make them on your smithy. Unlike other games, the development of this game will follow a sequence completely identical to the real world. If you want a good bow you have to look for wooden sticks, kill spiders to get the silk and braid into twine, then make them together. And depending on your ability to work, how will the items be created .

Later, the game was more attractive. You will encounter terrible things such as zombies, monsters, monsters and even meet legendary creatures such as dragons, ... New items to design new equipment to keep you safe throughout your adventure. The formulas will be more complex. For a good player, they will remember almost all the recipes to make what they need in their adventure .

New updates, new worlds and endless adventures :

The world is infinite, there is no end point (actually there is but it is so vast that you cannot find it in everything in a short amount of time). The first is that new worlds can be opened by exploring caves. You can dig underground and find caves. These mysterious places have the ability to lead to other worlds thanks to their portals. Like I said, you may encounter mythical creatures but dragons. Fight it or escape depends on your decision .

The newest world you can go to is the underworld. It is a horror place designed like hell with many kinds of monsters. There are even armies of spirits and corpses here. Old shards (which allow you to upgrade your diamond gear again), ores of basalt, helenite, black-gold-plated stones, etc., are the materials you can find here. It contains powers you never knew or experienced before .

This also leads to new crafting recipes that allow you to get stronger items. Magnetic compasses (indicate the location of the magnetic block), "Pigstep" music disc, mutant mushrooms, ... have many effects to support you in the battle with your opponent .

The level of graphics has been greatly increased, and many different things can appear :

In this latest update, it allows players to upgrade the level of graphics even more. If you have a powerful enough device, you can totally enjoy it. In addition, the character's gestures are also upgraded. Currently, your character has been able to perform detailed gestures such as waving, shaking hands, greeting... These gestures that show emotions are just being tested. The following updates will keep improving it so you can have a better experience .